How to Use Mama SunFiyahh’s Fidelity Oil
Anointing Objects
- Candles: Dress a candle with Fidelity Oil and burn it while focusing on your intention for fidelity and loyalty in your relationship. This can be done during rituals or as part of regular spiritual practice.
- Jewelry: Anoint a piece of jewelry that you or your partner wears regularly to instill fidelity and commitment.
- Mojo Bags: Create a mojo bag with personal items, herbs, and a few drops of Fidelity Oil. Carry this bag with you or place it under your pillow to promote faithfulness.
- Anointing Yourself or Your Partner: Apply a small amount of Fidelity Oil to your wrists, neck, or heart area. You can also anoint your partner (with their consent) to strengthen the bond between you.
Spiritual Baths
- Add a few drops of the oil to a warm bath. As you soak, meditate on your relationship and visualize a strong, unbreakable bond. You might also recite a prayer or chant provided by Mama Sunfiyahh to invoke the spiritual properties of the oil.
Home and Space Cleansing
- Use the oil to anoint the corners of your bedroom or other significant areas in your home to create a space of fidelity and love. This can be done as part of a larger house blessing ritual, incorporating prayers and other spiritual practices.
Petitions and Spells
Write a petition for fidelity on a piece of paper, anoint it with the oil, and place it under a candle or in a sacred space. Be sure to dedicated to your relationship. Light the candle and focus on your intention, reciting any specific prayers or affirmations that Mama Sunfiyahh may have provided or that resonate with you.
Sample Ritual for Using Fidelity Oil
Here’s a simple ritual to promote fidelity in a relationship:
- A red or pink candle
- Mama Sunfiyahh’s Fidelity Oil
- A photograph of you and your partner
- Parchment paper and pen
- Preparation
- Find a quiet, undisturbed place to perform the ritual. Cleanse the space with incense or smudging if desired.
2. The Work
- Gather a red or pink candle, Fidelity Oil, a photograph of you and your partner, and a piece of parchment paper.
- Smear or rub oil on the candle from the wick to the base or put 4 drop of oil in a glass candle. Focus on your intention for fidelity.
- Anoint the photograph and the parchment paper with a few drops of the oil.
- On the parchment paper, write your names and a short affirmation about fidelity, such as “Our love is strong and faithful.”
3. Invocation
- Place the photograph and the parchment paper under the candle holder.
- Light the candle and focus on the flame. Recite your affirmation out loud, visualizing a strong, loyal bond between you and your partner.
- IF, you work with deities, you can invoke them at this time as well. In Hoodoo, we often use bible scripture and/or ask God to bless the work. Some ask their ancestors to bless and work on our behalf.
- Let the candle burn completely (if safe to do so) or for a specified period each day, repeating the affirmation each time you light it. If you need to extinguish it before it’s done, either pinch it out OR depending on your level of belief blowing it out.
4. Closure
- Once the candle has burned down, keep the photograph and parchment paper in a special place, such as a love altar or a drawer in your bedroom to hold the energy of the ritual/work. You can continue working the photograph and parchment paper as often as you need.
- If you invoked the assistance of deities, spirits, guides or ancestors, I suggest that you make sure that you leave some sort of offering or make some act of gratitude. This is an even energetic exchange. You take something or ask for something, you give something.