Mama Sunfiyahh’s Self-Love Herb Blend & Ritual for Common Sense and Confidence
Hey there, sweetie pookie doos! Mama Sunfiyahh is here to sprinkle a little wisdom and magic into your day. Let me ask you something: have you ever fallen for potential instead of the real deal? Have you ever given your golden energy to someone who can barely offer you tinfoil in return? Have ever lost your mind over some RAGGEDY DANGALANGA? Well, we’re putting a stop to that nonsense right now.
Today, I’m sharing my Self-Love Herb Blend and Ritual to help you call in common sense and confidence. Because, honey bunny, you deserve nothing less than the absolute best. Let’s mix up a little magic, shall we?
The Self-Love Herb Blend
This blend is a potion of self-worth, clarity, and queenly vibes. Each herb is handpicked to help you step into your power and trust your intuition. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Rose Petals: For heart-healing and unconditional self-love. You’re the prize, baby—never forget it.
- Lavender: To soothe overthinking and bring peace when you start dreaming about someone’s potential instead of their reality.
- Basil: To call in clarity and abundance—the real kind, not the breadcrumbs some folks try to serve.
- Bay Leaves: For strong intuition and discernment. This will help you sniff out red flags faster than you can say, “Boy, bye!”
- Calendula: To boost courage and keep your confidence sunny and warm.
- Cinnamon Chips: For fiery confidence to walk away from what doesn’t serve you and step boldly toward what does.
- Peppermint: For a refreshing energy boost to keep you moving forward, no matter what.
- Thyme: For wisdom and strength, because it’s about thyme we stopped ignoring our intuition!
How to Make the Blend
- Combine all the herbs in a bowl or mortar and pestle. Take your time, sweetie, because intention is everything. As you mix, focus on the qualities you’re calling into your life: clarity, strength, and glowing self-love.
- As you stir, say this affirmation:
“By rose and lavender, I honor my worth.
With basil and bay, I see my true path.
Calendula, cinnamon, peppermint, and thyme,
Confidence and common sense are now mine.” - Store your blend in a glass jar—something cute, because you deserve beauty in every detail. Keep it on your altar, dresser, or anywhere sacred to you.
The Confidence & Common Sense Ritual
This ritual will help you align your heart and mind so you can walk through life with grace, power, and clarity. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Your herb blend
- A pink candle (for self-love)
- A yellow candle (for confidence)
- A small mirror
Step 1: Set the Scene
Light your candles and place them on either side of your mirror. Dress your taper candle with your favorite condition/anointing oil. Sprinkle a little of your herb blend on the candle and then around the candles to create a sacred circle. Breathe deeply and center yourself, sweetie—this is your time.
If you choose to use a glass jar candle then LIGHTLY sprinkle the herbal blend on the candle.
Step 2: Speak Your Power
Look into the mirror and say:
“Look at you—glowing, growing, and knowing your worth.
No foolishness, no time wasted, no settling for scraps.
My heart is whole, my path is golden, and my love is a treasure map.
Common sense, guide me. Confidence, crown me.
And as I will it, so shall it be.”
Step 3: Release Doubts
Close your eyes and visualize yourself shedding old patterns of doubt like a heavy cloak slipping off your shoulders. See it fall away, leaving you lighter, brighter, and free. Picture yourself surrounded by a golden glow of self-love and wisdom, your confidence shining like the sun. Imagine walking boldly forward on a clear path, stepping over any obstacles with grace and ease. Let this vision sink into your heart.
Step 4: Seal the Energy
Take a pinch of your herb blend and add it to your bathwater, tea, or even your purse to carry that magical energy with you. Whenever you need a boost, come back to this ritual or simply hold the jar and reconnect to your intention.
Mama’s Final Wisdom
Listen here, my little sugah wugahs: You are not here to fix, save, or settle for someone’s potential. You are the main dish, not the side salad. Use this herb blend and ritual whenever you feel your heart wavering or your boundaries softening. This is your reminder that your love is a treasure, and not everyone deserves access to it.
Remember: confidence is your crown, and common sense is your compass. With these two things, there’s no stopping you, darling. Go forth, glow up, and live your best life—because you’re worth it. 💖
With love,
Mama Sunfiyahh
Credit: The word dangalanga is used by @thekarenfaye on TikTok.